Youth Shedz

It’s been a very busy month for Youth Shedz, between office moves and lots of activities with the groups in Holyhead, Denbigh and Kinmel Bay. We were so proud to hear that young people volunteered to do a litter pick in Denbigh, caring for our environment and helping our communities is important to us at The Neumark Foundation, and seeing this happening in the ‘Fit n Fed’ sessions, deserves a huge thank you from us to the amazing young people, who always make us incredibly proud, with their energy and enthusiasm.

As many young people approach exams, the summer term can be extra stressful, but we thought it was a brilliant idea of Cara’s in Denbigh to have a journaling session to learn new skills and strategies. Cara provided the engagement group with A4 notebooks, that they decorated using their own doodling creations. Cara’s idea of the journal was for the young people to have the journal with them in school and to use the doodling activity they had learned, to help with stress and anxiety, and avoid disruptive behaviours. The feedback from the session was “I really enjoy the journaling and doodling. It helps in school too. I know it’s is going to help me when I get to exam time, to help me get through. I really like it”.

Youth Shedz
Youth Shedz

“Well done Cara, this is a great activity at such a stressful time for young people. It is clearly already having great impact. The Neumark Foundation is pleased to be supporting Youth Shedz in these impactful activities helping young people directly in our communities”

Rebecca Neumark – CEO of The Neumark Foundation
Rebecca Prytherch
Rebecca Neumark